Live not by lies!

Ah, the irony! I stumbled by chance in this (at least to my eyes) very typical Russian scene. On the background you can see a large mural on the side of a house depicting the writer and Soviet dissident Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn with one of his famous quotes: “Live not by lies!” This is actually the... Continue Reading →

You are not Albert Gunter!

A couple of years ago, I wrote a post about the surreal views you can get in Saint Petersburg during the navigation period on the Neva (from April to November), when 22 bridges across the river and main canals are drawn at night to let ships pass in and out of the Baltic Sea and right through... Continue Reading →

The Comrade of Ecstasy: Lenin’s Rolls Royce

How do you give the example and show the masses that bourgeois tendencies are irreconcilable with Socialism, with a proletarian dictatorship and with Communism? Apparently, you dump the Benz and buy yourself a Rolls Royce. At least, that is what Vladimir Lenin, the father of the Russian Revolution did in 1922. Let's take a step... Continue Reading →

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